ICP20000 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer is a powerful performance. simultaneous
full- spectrum direct-reading spectrometer developed by Acculab USA , which is used for trace elemental analysis in diverse samples (soluble in hydrochloric acid, nitric acid , hydrofluoric acid, etc.. ) .
The instrument offers capabilities with automatization, stability, reliability and ease of use .
It is currently widely applies in various fields of rare earth, geological, melallurgical, chemical, enviromental, clinicL MEDICINE, petroleum, semiconductor, food, biological samples, criminal science and agricultural
research, etc..
Application Fields:
Characteristic :
- Silicon industrial magnetic materials.
- Metallurgical analyze As, Bi, Pb, Sb, Sn and other impurity elements which effect greatly the metalic materials quality.
- Water analysis: analyze 8 heavy metal elements.
- Geological, minera: analyze Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, Co, Ni, Nu, Ag and other elements in the rock samples.
- Petrochemical and industrial: Analyze over 30 elements in crude oil, mainly Fe,Na, Mg, Ni, V, Ca, Pb, Mo, Mn, Cr, Co, Ba, As, etc..
•Pharmaceutical, health, agricultural, enviromental and Food safety.
Full automation design :
The instrument is thoroughly computer-controlled except the power switch, which is reliable, safe and convenient . Auto-control of gas flow : in the sample introduction system, the carier gas, plasma gas, auxiliary gas are controlled through the advanced mass flow controller (MFC). Features continuosly adjustable and stable, etc. , which ensures the stability of the introduction system and the foundation for the stable light source. Peristaltic pump : A high precision 12 roller , 4 channel peristaltic pump , with speed adjustable according to the demanding, provides smooth, stable sample introduction and drain, to ensure the introduction rate consistent with the drain rate, which is adjusted as per required to stabilize the introduction system. Precise wavelength positioning : Intelligent precise automatic wavelength calibration algorithm, achieves the measurment without additional peaks calibration to ensure an accurate measurment time. |
Stable, advanced solid-state RF power :
The instrument employs the solid-state RF power developed by Acculab Usa Instrument Co. , which is compact and delivers reliable performance with the power stability and safety, to further improve the instrument’s stability and security.
Superb optical system :
Adopting the echelle-prsm cross-dispersion type polychromator, elegant optical oplimization design maximizes the flux whilst enabling the exceltent spectral resolution. No movable optical components achieves unparalleled
long-term stability: Uitra-low stray light design with the unique optical design greatty reduces the background interference and further improves the detection llmit. A nighly efficient N.distributed purge system for the optical tank combined with the high-quality optics ensures deep UV analysis. especially P. S.As. etc..
Excellent pertormance detector :
Employing the CID detector which is advanced,mature and stable. largest size active area.megapixel. Full-frame Imaging ability to capture the entire ICP-OES spectrum (165-900 nm) permits quantitative analysis Non-destruetive readout improves the signal-to-noise rabo of weak analyte lines and ensures the precision of results. whst enabling cata acqurement and anaysis faster than CCD Excellent linear dynamic range and inherent anti-blooming capability aliow the measurement of wuak analyte emission signals adjacent to intense emission signals. whilst providing flexibility to choose the ideal wavelength for a method fallemative secondary and tertiary lines to overcome interferences)
Fast,accutate auto-matching :
The load terminals employs the fuil-automatic matching technology developed by Acculab Instrument Co.,Ltd., features fast matching.high precision. etc,which could achieve maximum output power. enhance power efficiency, ensure the stability of the instrument whilst facilitating ignition.
Ultra-fast analysis speed :
The analyst can set any suitable integration time for all the analytical lines in one exposure to achieve optimal measurement. or acquire the intensity integral value in the end of the exposure to enable the analysis faster, or specify any one or several specific Line(s)to read-out (the read-out time<2ms)
Powerful software analysis function :
Software is easy to operate and intuitive, it offers the capability with qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis, instrument diagnostics. Intelligent optimization, flexible full-spectrum research function, strong offline reprocessing. Scientifically intelligence background correction and interference cancellation algorithm. Which enable the analysis more professional and accurate.
Advanced sample introduction system :
The sample introduction system is efficient and stable, equipped with various nebulizers and spray chambers, it can also be equipped with high solids nebulizer. Hydrogen fluoride-resistant per required. Besides the auto sampler developed by Acculab facilitates the operation. And further improves the analysis efficiency.